BlueGreen Alliance | New Ad Exposes Tim Walberg’s Record of Failure on Clean Energy Jobs

New Ad Exposes Tim Walberg’s Record of Failure on Clean Energy Jobs

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and BlueGreen Alliance ran a joint television ad - hitting the Michigan airwaves on Saturday - to highlight former Congressman Tim Walberg's record of failure on clean energy jobs in Michigan.

October 8, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 8, 2010) The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and BlueGreen Alliance today announced that they are running a joint television ad – hitting the Michigan airwaves on Saturday – to highlight former Congressman Tim Walberg’s record of failure on clean energy jobs in Michigan.

“Clean energy is critical to reducing our dependence on foreign oil, to rebuilding America’s economy and rebuilding Michigan’s auto manufacturing sector,” said BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director David Foster. “But when the people of Michigan needed these clean energy investments, Mr. Walberg was nowhere to be found. We need people in Congress who will fight for Michigan’s manufacturing jobs, and that person is not Tim Walberg.”

The television ad – entitled “This Movie” – features movie posters that emphasize Walberg’s votes against clean energy and his absence from the key vote that helped auto workers and the U.S. auto industry when it was close to collapse in 2008.

“Two dismal years in Congress was proof enough that Tim Walberg will do nothing to create clean energy jobs or curb America’s dangerous dependence on oil from hostile nations,” said Tony Massaro, LCV Senior Vice President for Political Affairs. “While Walberg has earned a second appearance on LCV’s ‘Dirty Dozen,’ sending him back to Congress would be just another bad sequel.”

LCV’s trademark Dirty Dozen program targets candidates for Congress – regardless of party affiliation – who consistently vote against clean energy and conservation and are running in races in which LCV has a serious chance to affect the outcome. Since 1996, more than 60 percent of the Dirty Dozen have been defeated. Learn more at

View the ad script and documentation here:


Paid for by the BlueGreen Alliance,, and the League of Conservation Voters, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

League of Conservation Voters
The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is a national non-profit organization that works to turn environmental values into national priorities. To secure the environmental future of our planet, LCV advocates for sound environmental policies, elects pro-environment candidates who will adopt and implement such policies, provides the state LCVs with the resources and tools to accomplish and sustain their mission.

BlueGreen Alliance
The BlueGreen Alliance is a national partnership of labor unions and environmental organizations dedicated to expanding the number and quality of American clean energy jobs. Launched in 2006, the strategic partnership now brings together nine major U.S. labor unions and four of America’s most influential environmental organizations and unites 13 million members and supporters in pursuit of good jobs, a clean environment