BlueGreen Alliance | COP21: Statement of Principles

COP21: Statement of Principles

In Paris, we have an opportunity to achieve critical progress towards securing our environmental and economic future. We offer the following five principles that we believe will achieve this comprehensive vision:

November 29, 2015

The BlueGreen Alliance, representing many of our nation’s biggest and most impactful labor unions, environmental, conservation, and science organizations, has been active at the UNFCCC since 2008 in Bali, and since COP15 in Copenhagen has publicly called upon world leaders to come together to forge an agreement which adheres to the principles of scientific urgency, fairness, and justice.

COP21 in Paris will be the most consequential of these meetings, and we hope will represent a turning point where the world focuses on serious action to achieve reductions in carbon pollution in line with scientific urgency and to drive investments in our people and communities that improves their livelihood.

Solving climate change should simultaneously build resilient infrastructure, improve community health and safety, safeguard wildlife, and strengthen and create economic opportunities and sustainability for all citizens. In Paris, we have an opportunity to achieve critical progress towards securing our environmental and economic future. We offer the following five principles that we believe will achieve this comprehensive vision:

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