BlueGreen Alliance | Repair America’s Schools

Repair America’s Schools

Public schools have long been a neglected part of our infrastructure system. It's time to lift them up as of the clean, green, resilient environments we need at the heart of our efforts to rebuild a nation that is better able to address climate change.

July 27, 2013

Public schools have long been a neglected part of our infrastructure system. That neglect is taking a toll on the health and safety of our students, teachers and other school personnel. In addition, old and inefficient schools are further contributing to the root causes of climate change by wasting energy and adding to our air more of the carbon pollution that drives climate change.

We can lift up schools as models of the clean, green, resilient environments we need at the heart of our efforts to rebuild a nation that is better able to address, prepare for and recover from the effects of climate change. This is no small task, but we can be successful if we work together with allied labor, environmental and
business organizations.

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