BlueGreen Alliance | Global Climate Change

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Global Climate Change

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Solving climate change should simultaneously build resilient infrastructure, improve community health and safety, safeguard wildlife, and strengthen and create economic opportunities and sustainability for all people.

The Challenge

The world’s leading scientific organizations have been unambiguous that climate change is a dire and urgent threat and that the longer we delay, the stronger the action required.

The Paris Climate Agreement sets the stage for collective global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to create a structure that could keep our world below 1.5 degree Celsius of warming. However, several challenges remain.

First and foremost, this collective action cannot work unless each country’s actions are transparent and subject to international measurement, reporting and verification requirements.

Second, it is critical that working people and communities impacted by the transition to clean energy are ensured a just transition.

The Opportunity

Solving climate change should simultaneously build resilient infrastructure, improve community health and safety, safeguard wildlife, and strengthen and create economic opportunities and sustainability for all people. An ambitious agenda is needed in the United States and across the world that combines an aggressive emission reduction strategy with a sound infrastructure, jobs and community resilience strategy.

The Paris Agreement includes a nod toward a just transition. However, going forward, the international community must establish a structure to provide that transition to workers and communities around the world. 

Second, this agreement must ensure that country’s actions are transparent and subject to an international measurement, reporting and verification process that includes strong provisions for biennial reporting and review, so regular, third party assessments can be made of these commitments.

Key Facts

1992 In 1992, the United Nation’s “Earth Summit” produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a first step in tackling the problem. (Source)

April 22, 2016 The Paris Agreement was signed on Earth Day, April 22, 2016, by 174 countries and the European Union. (Source)


Throughout our history, the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation has worked not just domestically, but also on the international stage with leaders of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to find solutions for climate change that also create economic opportunity and a just transition for those impacted by this move to a clean, low-carbon economy.

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