BlueGreen Alliance | Colorado


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About The Colorado BlueGreen Alliance

Colorado BlueGreen Alliance (BGA) is dedicated to improving its communities through good jobs, growing Colorado’s clean energy economy, and creating a clean climate for generations to come. The Colorado table advocated fiercely for legislation that improves the lives for workers, families, and children and secured significant wins during the 2024 Legislature, especially in the transportation and affordable housing space.

Executive Committee Members:

  • AFL-CIO, Colorado (co-chair) 
  • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 18 
  • American Federation of Teachers Colorado 
  • Communication Workers of America District 7 
  • Environmental Defense Fund 
  • Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) Mountain West Chapter 
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 111 
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 12 
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 68,  
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Locals 113 
  • International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 7 
  • Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 720 
  • Conservation Colorado 
  • Colorado Education Association 
  • Natural Resources Defense Council (co-chair) 
  • Western Resource Advocates 
  • Colorado Building Construction Trades Council 
  • Service Employees International Union Colorado 
  • Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)–Transportation Division 
  • Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, Transportation Workers (SMART) Local 9 – Sheet Metal 
  • Colorado Sierra Club 
  • Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) 
  • The Wilderness Society 
  • United Association of Denver Pipefitters Local 208 
  • United Steelworkers 

For more information on our work, contact Elena Santarella at

Our Work

Worker Safety 

HB24-1030 Railroad Safety Requirements was signed into law on May 10, 2024 and created the Colorado Office of Rails Safety and two advisory committees modeled after offices in other states, such as Minnesota. The law addresses reducing the amount of blocked railroad crossings, providing training on transporting hazardous chemicals, and reporting emergencies immediately to increase safety and reduce the potential for derailments. The Office of Rail Safety is under the purview of Public Utility Commission and is tasked with ensuring the safety of workers and communities. 

Expanding Green Energy with Good Jobs  

SB24-218 Modernize Energy Distribution Systems was signed into law May 10, 2024 and invests in the electrician workforce that installs interconnections and allows for more power to come onto the grid faster. This work is essential for bringing clean energy online and expanding the load capacity we need for EV charging and renewable energy projects. BlueGreen Alliance partners collaborated with legislators for over a year on this project to solve delays with energy distribution and ensure a qualified workforce with rigorous training is responsible for powering Colorado.  

SB24-212 Local Govs Renewable Energy Projects requires the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) to provide local or Tribal governments with technical support to develop local renewable energy codes and review renewable energy project proposals. New projects will not only spur clean energy in rural and Tribal areas, but also create good construction and permanent jobs to build and maintain the new infrastructure. The bill also requires the CO Energy Office to submit a report that evaluates local government renewable energy siting processes, identifies areas of low environmental and habitat conflict for siting, and explores wildlife mitigation, decommissioning, and community benefits agreements or other such agreements between stakeholders. This bill was signed into law on May 21, 2024. 

Colorado Energy Transition 

The Colorado BlueGreen Alliance worked to develop and enact HB19-1314, creating the nation’s first statewide Office of Just Transition. Our coalition’s work is focused on supporting communities and workers through the energy transition. We aim to strengthen local economies, clean up polluted sites, and create pathways for workers to participate in the clean energy economy with health and retirement benefits and family-sustaining wages. Our coalition’s cooperative focus on the energy transition is fully aligned with the BlueGreen Alliance’s federal policy work, aimed at maximizing federal, state, local, and private resources to diversify local economies and support workers. 

Read our fact sheet, Lessons Learned from the Colorado Office of Just Transition. 

Key Facts

100% Renewable Energy by 2040. Colorado will achieve 100% renewable energy by 2040 by modernizing the Public Utilities Commission, growing green jobs, and increasing the number of zero-emission vehicles and buildings.