BlueGreen Alliance | Testimony of Tom Conway on Proposed Tier 3 Standards

Testimony of Tom Conway on Proposed Tier 3 Standards

On April 29, 2013 Tom Conway provided testimony in Chicago, IL in support of proposed Tier 3 vehicle standards.

April 29, 2013

Dramatic improvements have been made in recent decades on air quality, yet, with grades in the range of ‘C’ to ‘F’ for ozone and some counties receiving failing grades for particulate matter, it is clear that there is still room for improvement.  America’s working families deal firsthand with the impacts of dirty air in terms of missed work and school days, increased medical costs, and long-term health effects.

The implementation costs of the Tier 3 program will be greatly offset by savings in health costs alone, in addition to improving quality of life for all Americans. Also, since pollution reduction is strongly tied to fuel efficiency, in addition to direct benefits to public health, these efforts will assist in the mitigation of greenhouse gases that are causing climate change.

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