BlueGreen Alliance |


CategoryProgram Name and DescriptionFunding LevelAdministering Agency or OfficeFunding mechanismTimelineStandardsEligible Entities
TransitSurface Transportation Reauthorization for Transit Funding - Comprehensive reauthorization of transit programs for next five-year window. Increased investment for transit (both operating/capital costs).$39 BillionDOTExisting, reauthorized programs: Formula and Block Grant Programs; Additional Formula and Discretionary Grants; Discretionary Grants.FY22-FY26Standard DOT labor and domestic content provisionsState DOTs, MPOs, et al.
Rail Funding - Funding for new and upgraded rail service, including for Amtrak and other funding for safety and freight upgrades. Some funding can potentially be used in coordination with regional rail.$66 BillionDOTExisting and New Programs; GrantsFY22-FY26Existing FRA and other standards for rail buildoutAmtrak, state agencies, MPOs, et al.
Reconnecting Communities (Transit-related) - Pilot program$1 BillionDOTNew Program: GrantsFY22-FY26State DOTs, MPOs, et al.
Charging InfrastructureCharging infrastructure on national highway corridors - Create charging-enabled corridors on the National Highway System to facilitate travel and commerce.$7.5 BillionDOT (in consultation with DOE); $1B non-corridors add'l funding at DOENew Programs: GrantsFY22-FY26Buy AmericaState DOTs (especially new $5B EVSE program), MPOs, et al.
Electric Transit and School BusesElectric Transit Bus - Part of IIJA reauthorization for bus funding, raises minimum eligibility for zero emissions buses to 25% threshold$15 Billion TotalDOT (FTA)New and existing (reauthorized) Programs: GrantsFY22-FY26Workforce Development TrainingState DOTs, MPOs, et al.
Electric School Buses - To support the deployment of electric school buses.Up to $5 BillionEPAEstablishes new grant/rebate program under the existing EPA Clean School Bus programFY2022-FY2026