BlueGreen Alliance | Charlie Martin

Charlie Martin


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Charlie Martin is the Federal Policy Manager for Buy Clean and Procurement at the BlueGreen Alliance, where he handles legislative and policy development and advocacy efforts for the BlueGreen Alliance’s Buy Clean campaign and other issues related to reducing emissions from the industrial sector.

Charlie joined the BlueGreen Alliance from the National Association of Letter Carriers, where he worked as a Legislative and Political Assistant and later as the union’s Legislative Representative. While there, he represented the union both on and off Capitol Hill and cultivated strong bipartisan support on priority legislation, including the first major bill tackling postal issues to pass out of the House of Representatives since 2006.

Prior to that he worked as a Research Associate and Project Manager at the Wind Energy Foundation, providing policy analysis and evaluating effective tools for states to meet emissions reductions goals. Charlie also interned at the Environmental Defense Fund after getting his start in Washington as an intern for Senator Patty Murray.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Government from the University of Puget Sound.