Bipartisan Infrastructure Law User Guide – Social Guidance
BGA BIL User Guide General
Ensuring federal investments through the #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw directly benefits workers and communities is critical! @BGAlliance has developed a User Guide to explain how it’s done! #ForAmericaByAmerica
.@BGAlliance’s User Guide helps local leaders leverage federal investments through the #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw so we can make sure the #BIL delivers for workers and communities that need it most! See it here: #ForAmericaByAmerica
Now is the moment to start making sure that the implementation of the #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw benefits workers and communities that need it the most. See @BGAlliance’s User Guide on how we do it! #ForAmericaByAmerica
.@BGAlliance’s new User Guide explores the policies, timelines, and implementation mechanisms for investments in the #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw to help ensure that funds are maximized to benefit workers, their families, and their communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
@BlueGreenAlliance’s new Bipartisan Infrastructure Law User Guide explores the policies, timelines, and implementation mechanisms for investments to help ensure that funds are maximized to benefit workers and their families and communities.
BGA BIL User Guide Transportation
The #BIL makes significant investments in #transportation infrastructure. Making sure they benefit workers and communities is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
Investments through the #BIL will enhance #transit service to improve mobility, create jobs, and support economic growth! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to ensure they also benefit workers and communities! #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes significant investments in transportation infrastructure to improve mobility, create jobs, and support economic growth. @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to make sure they also benefit workers and communities! #ForAmericaByAmerica
BGA BIL User Guide Water
The #BIL makes significant investments in #water infrastructure. Making sure they benefit workers and communities is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The $55B investment through the #BIL in critical water infrastructure is long past due. These upgrades will create good jobs and @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize gains for workers and communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes Investments in water infrastructure vital to the protection, treatment, and distribution of clean water. These upgrades will create good jobs! @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
BGA BIL User Guide Clean Energy
The #BIL makes significant investments in #CleanEnergy infrastructure. Making sure they benefit workers and communities is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BIL provides investments to build the infrastructure needed to shift to a #NetZero economy. These upgrades will create good jobs! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes investments to build out the infrastructure needed to shift to a #NetZero economy. These upgrades will create good jobs! @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for workers and communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
BGA BIL User Guide Manufacturing/Industrial
The #BIL makes significant investments in #AmericanManufacturing and industrial transformation. Making sure they benefit workers and communities is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BIL provides investments to improve #EnergyEfficiency & reduce emissions from #AmericanManufacturing. These upgrades will create good jobs! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes investments to improve #EnergyEfficiency and reduce emissions from #AmericanManufacturing. These upgrades will create good jobs! @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for workers and communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
BGA BIL User Guide Buildings and Schools
The #BIL makes significant investments in #EnergyEfficiency for buildings and schools. Making sure they benefit workers and communities is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BIL provides investments to improve #EnergyEfficiency in buildings and schools. These upgrades will create good jobs! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes investments to improve #EnergyEfficiency in buildings and schools. These upgrades will create good jobs! @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for workers and communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
BGA BIL User Guide Fairness for Communities/Workers
The #BIL includes investments to support communities impacted by the #EnergyTransition. Making sure they benefit the workers and communities that need it most is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BIL provides investments to support communities impacted by the #EnergyTransition. @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes investments to support communities impacted by the #EnergyTransition. These investments will create good jobs! @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for workers and communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
BGA BIL User Guide Community Resilience
The #BIL includes several provisions to help build stronger, more resilient communities in the face of #ClimateChange. Making sure they benefit the workers and communities that need it most is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BIL provides several provisions to help build stronger, more resilient communities in the face of #ClimateChange. @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes several provisions to help build stronger, more resilient communities in the face of #ClimateChange. These investments will create good jobs! @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for workers and communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
BGA BIL User Guide Methane/Natural Gas
The #BIL includes investments to modernize our natural gas distribution infrastructure to be safer and more efficient. Making sure they benefit the workers and communities that need it most is key! @BGAlliance’s new User Guide explains how to do it. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BIL includes investments to modernize our natural gas distribution infrastructure to be safer and more efficient. @BGAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these investments to benefit communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica
The #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw makes investments to modernize our natural gas distribution infrastructure to be safer and more efficient. These investments will create good jobs! @BlueGreenAlliance’s new User Guide offers a roadmap to maximize these gains for workers and communities. #ForAmericaByAmerica