Winds of Change Green Jobs Rally in Madison
On September 13, a Madison green jobs rally featured information about job opportunities in the emerging green economy.
On September 13, we rallied in Madison for the “Winds of Change” Green Jobs Rally. Speakers included Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, Jerry Knapp from LIUNA, Tony Bartels from IBEW Local 965, Phil Neuenfeldt of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO, Chuck Geiger of the BlueGreen Alliance and Katherine Blumenthal of the Sierra Club. The crowd enjoyed music of the Blue Beyond Band. Those attending learned about job opportunities in the emerging green economy and had an opportunity to interact with a variety of groups who set up informational materials.
This event was part of the Green Jobs for America campaign, a partnership between USW, Sierra Club, Blue Green Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council, Working America, Center for American Progress and Green For All.
Study Shows Growth Of ‘Green’ Jobs’, WISC-TV (Madison), September 14, 2008
Union leaders and environmentalists came together this weekend in Madison with the goal of improving the environment by adding eco-friendly jobs.
Report: Thousands of jobs would be created by $100 billion investment in clean energy, Wisconsin Technology Network, September 9, 2008