BlueGreen Alliance | Richard Diaz

Richard Diaz


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Richard Diaz is the Regional Field Manager for Water Infrastructure at the BlueGreen Alliance. Richard works with BlueGreen Alliance’s legislative, field, and communications staff to engage partners and allies within the Midwest to demonstrate support for advancing an economic recovery focused on manufacturing and infrastructure investments. Richard has extensive community organizing experience across labor, political, issue-based, and neighborhood campaigns.

Being from Milwaukee, WI, Diaz strives to fight for racial and economic justice for black, brown, and working class people everywhere. Within his 10-years as a community organizer, Diaz has been able to help create Milwaukee neighborhood association Amani United, increase member participation and achieve worker oriented contracts for members of the Amalgamated Transit Union local 998, help thousands of voter’s register and get out to vote, and also co-found the Coalition on Lead Emergency (COLE). His experience in building relationships, increasing civic participation, and advocacy efforts amongst marginalized groups, has resulted in numerous policy changes, newly elected officials, and partnerships between advocacy based and serviced based non-profits.

Richard is also an Americorp alumni and seeks to organize for change within volunteer and professional capacities.