Misled Social
Americans want to know if the Trump White House improved their situation in life; is their family safer now; and is the nation’s future brighter. @BGAlliance’s new report gives us some answers. FIND OUT MORE: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
Has the Trump White House improved your situation in life; is your family safer now; and is the nation’s future brighter? Find out more in @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
Over the past three years, the Trump administration has rolled back numerous policies designed to protect workers, communities, and the environment. Is your family safer or more at risk? Find out more in @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
Trump has dismantled worker safety regulations that protect hard working Americans and his administration has refused to issue an OSHA standard to protect workers from #COVID-19. Find out more in @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica
Before & after COVID-19 hit the US, President Trump has assured companies that the government will not punish them for threatening the safety & health of their employees. Find out more in @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #ProtectAllWorkers #TrumpMisledAmerica
Under the Trump administration, air pollution in the U.S. increased in 2017 and 2018, reversing 20 years of air quality improvements! Is your family safer or more at risk? Find out more in @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
The Trump admin has rolled back multiple rules including the #CleanWaterRule, #LeadAndCopperRule, & #ChemicalDisasterRule, giving polluters permission to pollute the nation’s air & water. Find out more @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica
Miners continue to suffer from Black Lung while Trump’s @MSHA_DOL has yet to issue a mandatory standard for crystalline silica, the most significant cause of Black Lung disease. Find out more @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
Trump’s Lead and Copper Rule actually extends the timeline for replacing lead pipes! The residents of Flint still rely on bottled water for drinking, bathing, and cleaning! Find out more in @BGAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
The Trump administration has rolled back policies protecting workers, communities, and the environment. Claiming that he would protect jobs, President Trump dismantled worker safety regulations, cut staff at OSHA, and stepped away from environmental policies that keep the nation’s air and water clean. Not only did these policies not protect jobs, in many cases they cost the nation the jobs of the future and endangered our existing workforce. Find out more in @BlueGreenAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
President Trump’s deregulatory actions on the nation’s air and water has led to reversing 20 years of steady improvements in air quality. Further, the Trump administration’s actions to step away from global leadership on clean car standards strands American manufacturers’ investments, puts thousands of jobs at risk, and cedes the next generation of automotive investment and jobs to other nations. Find out more in @BlueGreenAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
The Trump administration has proudly publicized its deregulatory agenda on the environment, rolling back safeguard after safeguard designed to keep the nation’s air and water clean and to protect the health and wellbeing of Americans. As of July 2020, the administration had completed or was in the process of completing 100 rollbacks of federal rules that protect the environment and human health. Find out more in @BlueGreenAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
Looking back at this administration, Americans want to know: has the Trump White House improved my situation in life; is my family safer now; and is the nation’s future brighter? Our analysis of a number of actions made by the Trump administration reveals that overwhelmingly for working families the answer to all of those questions is a resounding “no.” Find out more in @BlueGreenAlliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
The Trump administration has shamelessly rolled back policies protecting workers, communities, and the environment. Claiming that he would protect jobs, President Trump dismantled worker safety regulations, cut staff at OSHA, and stepped away from environmental policies that keep the nation’s air and water clean. Not only did these policies not protect jobs, in many cases they cost the nation the jobs of the future and endangered our existing workforce. Learn more from BlueGreen Alliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
President Trump’s deregulatory actions on the nation’s air and water has led to reversing 20 years of steady improvements in air quality. Further, the Trump administration’s actions to step away from global leadership on clean car standards strands American manufacturers’ investments, puts thousands of jobs at risk, and cedes the next generation of automotive investment and jobs to other nations. Find out more in BlueGreen Alliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
Looking back at this administration, Americans want to know: has the Trump White House improved my situation in life; is my family safer now; and is the nation’s future brighter? Our analysis of a number of actions made by the Trump administration reveals that overwhelmingly for working families the answer to all of those questions is a resounding “no.” Find out more in BlueGreen Alliance’s new report: https://www.bluegreenalliance.org/misled #TrumpMisledAmerica #TheTruthAboutTrump
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