BlueGreen Alliance | BGA Sends Letter of Support to Congress to Confirm Granholm for DOE Secretary

BGA Sends Letter of Support to Congress to Confirm Granholm for DOE Secretary

As a coalition of the nation’s largest labor unions and environmental groups, collectively representing millions of members and supporters, the BlueGreen Alliance writes in full support of the nomination of the Honorable Jennifer Granholm to be the next Secretary of Energy.

February 3, 2021

Governor Granholm has demonstrated time and again, and reiterated recently in her testimony to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, that she shares this view and will carry it with her into her work as the next Secretary of Energy. The U.S. Department of Energy has the opportunity to drive energy innovation, clean energy and infrastructure investments, and investments in the retooling and modernization of America’s manufacturing sector with a major reinvestment in cleaning up, strengthening, and transforming heavy industry to build more of the products, materials, and technologies of the future here—all while providing more pathways into good, family-supporting, union jobs. And she will do all of this in ways that lift up communities and workers and prioritizes investments in workers and communities that need it most—including those workers and regions impacted by energy transition.

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