BlueGreen Alliance | Driving Investment: How Fuel Efficiency is Rebuilding American Manufacturing

Driving Investment: How Fuel Efficiency is Rebuilding American Manufacturing

A report released by the BlueGreen Alliance shows $76 billion in investment in the nation’s automotive plants over the past decade as automakers have implemented current fuel economy standards.

January 25, 2018

The report, Driving Investment: How Fuel Efficiency is Rebuilding American Manufacturing, found that since 2008 U.S. automakers invested $63.8 billion in facilities across the country, completing 258 investments at 100 factories, with an additional $12.4 billion in investments at 42 facilities promised by 2020.

The report illustrated that the “costs” of compliance with fuel economy standards represent added automaker spending on product and manufacturing innovation, additional investments in factories and technology, and purchases of additional and upgraded components from suppliers. In turn, these costs represent a much-needed, multi-billion dollar reinvestment in American manufacturing and jobs nationwide. The report cited several examples, including five sequential investments totaling over $1 billion in two Ohio engine plants to deploy much more fuel efficient engines and large investments at assembly facilities making pickup trucks and SUVs that feature lightweight mixed material bodies and frames.

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