BlueGreen Alliance | Too Big to Be Green: Giant Trucks are Dirty and Damaging

Too Big to Be Green: Giant Trucks are Dirty and Damaging

Certain shippers and trucking companies want a license to put huge triple-trailer trucks and gigantic single-trailer trucks on highways from coast to coast. But nothing could be further from the truth.

June 19, 2009

Certain shippers and trucking companies want a license to put huge triple-trailer trucks and gigantic single-trailer trucks on highways from coast to coast. They claim bigger trucks will mean fewer trucks on our roads, increase fuel efficiency and be good for the environment.

But nothing could be further from the truth. Mountains of research
reveal that longer, heavier trucks lead to:

  • More truck traffic;
  • More fuel consumption; and
  • More emissions, including greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and particulate matter.

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