BlueGreen Alliance | Municipal Buildings, Universities, Schools, Hospitals (MUSH)

33,450 Jobs Over 10 Years

The Build Back Better Act includes $500 million for energy efficiency, resiliency, and renewable energy upgrades for public buildings as well as non-profit buildings would create a total of 33,450 jobs over ten years.

MUSH (Municipal Buildings, Universities, Schools, and Hospitals) buildings represent a large portion of the commercial building stock with roughly 912,000 in the U.S. and tend to be the most energy-intensive. The Build Back Better Act includes $500 million for energy efficiency, resiliency, and renewable energy upgrades for public (aka MUSH) as well as non-profit buildings. This  would create 13,125 Direct, 8,450 Indirect, 11,875 Induced, a total of 33,450 jobs over ten years. These totals assume federal investments cover 20% of the project costs, with local and private spending making up the rest. This is based on the model for Energy Savings Performance Contracts that leverages federal dollars; every $1 of federal investment generates, at minimum, $4 of additional investment.

These buildings are generally older or historic or have high electricity demand (such as the hospital sector). Therefore, targeting these buildings for energy efficiency retrofits can significantly reduce carbon emissions while creating jobs and saving taxpayer money on energy bills.

These investments in the Build Back Better Act, combined with investments from the IIJA, would result in 19,687 direct, 12,675 indirect, and 17,812 induced jobs, a total of 50,174 jobs over 10 years.