BlueGreen Alliance Applauds New Clean Air Protections
Executive Director Dave Foster's on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules limiting carbon pollution for new power plants, which will protect the environment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and spur our economy to become more energy efficient.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 28, 2012) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued rules to limit carbon pollution for new power plants, which will protect the environment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to fight climate change, and spur our economy to innovate, move to cleaner, renewable sources of energy, and become more energy efficient in the years to come. The BlueGreen Alliance released the following statement from Executive Director David Foster:
“The standard announced by the EPA is key to moving America to a cleaner, more efficient economy. Over the last 40 years, safeguards like these have spurred us to innovate — resulting in less waste, more efficiency, and greater economic competitiveness. Today’s rule ensures that new power plants will be built cleaner and more efficient, creating jobs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring that the nation is competitive in the 21st century economy.
“Now it is critical that Congress move forward with complementary policies that spur innovation and deployment of clean technologies, including measures to address global competitiveness, create clear market signals for clean technology deployment, and help to ignite the revitalization of our manufacturing sector.”
Read the BlueGreen Alliance Statement Protecting Our Health and Safety, Building a Stronger Economy on the organization’s support for power plant greenhouse gas protections.