BlueGreen Alliance | BlueGreen Alliance Statement on California’s First Cap-and-Trade Auction

BlueGreen Alliance Statement on California’s First Cap-and-Trade Auction

BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director Foster shows the organization's support for the first-ever California cap-and-trade auction held today.

November 14, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO (November 14, 2012) The following is a statement from David Foster, Executive Director of the BlueGreen Alliance, on the first cap-and-trade auction in California. The auctions were authorized by AB32 — the landmark clean energy job and climate change legislation passed and signed into law in 2006.

“The implementation of AB32’s cap-and-trade system is a huge leap forward as California continues its journey to lead America — and the world — in developing a cleaner energy future. Cap-and-trade programs, like the one California is implementing, are a common-sense approach to reducing carbon emissions and ensuring that those creating the pollution are paying to deal with it.

“Make no mistake; our climate is warming. Superstorms — like Hurricane Sandy — droughts, rising sea levels and extreme weather will only become more prevalent as our temperature warms and we must utilize innovative solutions to tackle climate change, including finding ways to increase our investments in clean energy. Clean energy holds the promise not just to reduce the emissions causing climate change, but also as a venue to create and sustain good jobs for California’s workers. Combined with the passage of Proposition 39 — which will close a tax loophole and use half of the dollars generated to jumpstart energy efficiency and clean energy projects around the state — the cap-and-trade auctions will provide a huge boost to the state’s efforts to ramp up renewable energy and energy efficiency.

“We wholeheartedly support this effort and hope that those in Congress will show similar leadership to that of California in reducing emissions and creating good jobs.”