BlueGreen Alliance | Shaping the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Jobs and Working People

Shaping the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Jobs and Working People


Tuesday, October 29 – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

AGU Conference Center – 2000 Florida Ave, NW – Washington DC 20009



8:30 am ET

Gather & Coffee

9:00 am

Introductions and objectives

9:15 – 10:30 am

Workforce and jobs impacts and narratives – creating benefits, avoiding disruption, shaping transition 


Panel: Learnings from latest research, organizing and deployment

o   Austin Brown, UC Davis ITS

o   Sam Loesche, Intl Brotherhood of Teamsters

o   JB Tengco, BlueGreen Alliance CA


Discussion: Do we have a shared economic/automation & jobs narrative?

o   Facilitator:  Heidi Shierholz,  Economic Policy Institute


Key policy opportunities: Economic, labor, workforce, equity

10:30 am


10:45 – 11:45 am

Impact of business models and technology deployment models on public outcomes – Part 1 – Shaping transportation systems for public benefit


Panel: research, organizing, deployment

o   Adam Cohen, UC Berkeley TSRC

o   Michael McCall-Delgado, Amalgamated Transit Union

o Steve Viscelli, University of Pennsylvania


Discussion: What are the potential futures of passenger transportation?  How do we influence them for better outcomes for working people?

o   Facilitator: Michelle Romero, Green for All


Policy: Transportation, infrastructure & planning, community benefits & investment

11:45 am




Noon – 1:15 pm


Updates from related forums – opportunities to collaborate, amplify

·      Katie Corrigan, AFL-CIO

·      Zoe Lipman, BlueGreen Alliance

·      Your initiative here…

1:15 – 1:45 pm

Additional opportunities to enhance collaboration, organizing, communication

1:45 pm


2:00 – 2:45 pm

Impact of business models and technology deployment models on public outcomes – Part 2 – Shaping technology deployment and innovation


Panel: Research, organizing, deployment

o   Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University

o   Steve Beers, United Auto Workers

o   Jennifer Fortunati, Transportation For America


Discussion Part B:  Integrating automation and people, shaping innovation & deployment


Policy: Innovation policy, Public benefits, Regulatory design

2:45 pm


3:00 – 4:00 pm

Policy drill-down:  Policy status and priorities


Structured follow up discussion of near term policy opportunities

o   Federal

o   State/ Regional

o   Local/Municipal

4:00 – 4:30 pm

Wrap up, next steps and close


Recent reports, materials:

Panel 1: 

Historical Perspectives on Managing Automation and Other Disruptions in Transportation

From the book Empowering the New Mobility Workforce (edited by Dr. Tyler Reeb), Chapter 1,

Authors: Austin Brown, Hannah Safford, Daniel Sperling | 2019, book chapter only

Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a Time of Automation

Report, December 2017 |McKinsey Manufacturing Practice – the McKinsey Global Institute

Authors: James Manyika, Susan Lund, Michael Chui, Jacques Bughin, Jonathan Woetzel, Parul Batra, Ryan Ko, Saurabh Sanghvi

Link to executive summary:

Stick Shift: Autonomous Vehicles, Driving Jobs, and the Future of Work 

Center for Global Policy Solutions, 2017

Authors: Dr. Algernon Austin, Ms. Cherrie Bucknor, Mr. Kevin Cashman, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore

Link to executive summary and policy recommendations webpage

Understanding the Decline of U.S. Manufacturing Employment

Report, June 2018 | W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

Author: Susan N. Houseman

Interview about this report in the Washington Post; functions as an executive summary:

Panel 2: 

Where are Self-Driving Cars Taking Us?

Union of Concerned Scientists, 2019

Authors: Richard Ezike, Jeremy Martin, Katherine Catalano, Jesse Cohn

Link to executive summary  

Working lunch: 

Report of the AFL-CIO Commission on the Future of Work and Unions

AFL-CIO Commission on the Future of Work and Unions, 2019

Solidarity for Climate Action

The BlueGreen Alliance, 2019

Maximizing the Benefits of Self-Driving Vehicles: Principles for Public Policy

Union of Concerned Scientists, February 2018 

DRIVERLESS? Autonomous Trucks and the Future of the American Trucker

UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education, University of California, Berkeley, and Working Partnerships USA, September 2018

Author: Steve Viscelli

Panel 3: 

Who Profits from Industry 4.0?

Author: Susan Helper, Raphael Martins, Robert Seamans, 2018 

Shorter version of SAFE report on employment issues, Is a driverless future also jobless 

Principles for the Transit Workforce in Automated Vehicle Legislation and Regulation

Transportation Trades Department AFL-CIO, 2019

Letter to Congress on AV Legislation

Transportation for America, and many others, 2019

Complements or Substitutes? Firm-LevelManagement of Labor and Technology

Presentation by Susan Helper