BlueGreen Alliance | Search Results aluminum

Displaying 78 search results for aluminum.

Flawed Proposal to Roll Back Fuel Economy and Emissions Standards Will Cost Thousands of Jobs

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration today released their plan to roll back the nation’s successful vehicle fuel economy and emissions standards. The current standards have spurred innovation and investment across the nation’s automotive and manufacturing sectors and are helping create and preserve jobs across America.

Report: 288,000 American Workers in 48 States are Building Technology for Cleaner Cars Today

Building clean vehicle technology directly supports 288,000 manufacturing and engineering jobs in the United States, according to a new report released by labor and environmental leaders. These workers are employed at more than 1,200 factories and engineering facilities in 48 states, making technology that improves fuel economy for today’s innovative vehicles—everything from more efficient transmissions and turbo-charged engines to light-weight steel and aluminum to electric power steering and regenerative braking.

Big Trucks Join Vehicles of all Sizes in Combating Climate Change

Across the country, companies and workers are building the advanced fuel-efficient vehicles of the future. These are not just our cars, SUVs and pickup trucks, but also “medium- and heavy-duty” vehicles–everything from super-duty pickups, work vehicles, and buses, to delivery trucks and long haul semis/tractor-trailers that move America’s packages and goods. Broad-based innovation across the industry has been essential to rebuilding a strong, globally competitive domestic transportation supply chain—and the manufacturing jobs that go with it.

BlueGreen Alliance Submits Written Comments on Fuel Economy Standards Draft Technical Assessment Report

On September 26, the BlueGreen Alliance submitted written comments on the Midterm Evaluation Draft Technical Assessment Report for Model Year 2022–2025 Light Duty Vehicle GHG Emissions and CAFE Standards. We believe these standards are working, delivering deep energy security and greenhouse gas reduction gains while at the same time spurring the job growth and economic recovery America needs.

Cars are getting greener and driving job growth

Investments in clean energy technologies for cars are creating jobs. Most recently, Alcoa—with the assistance of a loan from the Department of Energy—is expanding a Tennessee aluminum manufacturing facility and adding 200 jobs.

Time to Double Down on American Clean Economy

A Bureau of Labor Statistics report showed that in 2010, 3.1 million jobs green jobs were created. What this report shows is that we need to double down on the industries of the 21st century that will build a more competitive American economy.

BlueGreen Alliance Applauds USW Agreement with Chinese Energy Companies

WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 6, 2010) The United Steelworkers announced today that they had reached an agreement with two leading Chinese power generation companies to work collaboratively on all aspects of the companies’ U.S. market strategies including manufacturing, assembly, component sourcing, distribution and wind energy project development. Read the announcement from the United Steelworkers. The BlueGreen…